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The Power of Subconscious mind

We all know that we have only one mind in our body but internal of the mind structure there are two types of mind.

  • Conscious mind
  • Subconscious mind

We will discuss on both mind.

Conscious mind

This mind is logical mind and its only the 1% of the whole mind structure. The use of this mind is making decision and think on what is right or wrong. When we try to learn new thing we use this mind.

Subconscious mind

This mind is not logical mind and it is the 99% of the whole mind structure. This mind controls the whole life. In terms of body it controls every body parts if we decide(by conscious mind) to move our hand it moves our hand. Apart from this it controls the heart beat that we are not decide to beat and our kidney our lungs our liver and many more. 
                                    When any cut or injury happened to our body this mind responses to recover the cut. This mind not argue with logical mind. When we try to learn driving after some time when the thing goes into subconscious mind the driving happens automatically. The subconscious mind is the down side of the iceberg. Any thing happens to our body or our life is the creation of our subconscious mind. What we think it will create the thing. And we are the responsible that is happening to our life. If anybody wants peace in his life the he has to think about the peace. If anybody wants happiness in his life he has to think about happiness. If anybody wants to overcome his fear he has to think about courage. Anything is happening in outer world, it is the creation of the inner world . And inner world is our thoughts. Negative thoughts creates negativity in our life and positive thoughts creates positivity in our life. If you want any thing in your life the first action is start think about it. Automatically it will find the way of you. First you need dedication what you want. If you are confused what you want then it will create confusion in your subconscious mind and confusing things happens to your real life.  So subconscious mind is so powerful and use its power in your life in a positive manner.

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